
Peritus claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®). A compliant presentation can be obtained by submitting a request or contacting:

Ron Heller[email protected] or (805) 882-1100 x620

Dave Desmond[email protected] or (805) 882-1100 x612

Peritus I Asset Management, LLC is an investment advisor registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Investment Advisors Act of 1940. Peritus manages individual portfolios and investment funds consisting primarily of corporate bonds and leveraged loans, as well as other fixed income securities and equity securities and funds primarily backed by high yield bonds and leverage loans, and other fixed income and equity securities, for its private, retail, and institutional clients. In addition, Peritus has managed or manages structured products and other investments, including but not limited to investment vehicles primarily backed by corporate bonds and leveraged loans and, in certain circumstances, investments in other fixed income securities and equities.

 A list of composite descriptions is available upon request.

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